Wednesday, January 14, 2015

One Month of Marriage

Today marks one month of marriage. One month of learning to love my husband even more than I already do. Through his quirks and habits, I have seen how God has formed me to become one with this man. A man who does the dishes when I haven’t asked, who gently reminds me not to get so worked up over a little argument, who understands my mood swings and still loves me through them.

To say this month has been eventful is a bit of an understatement. In the last 4 weeks we have gone on a cruise, had our first married Christmas/New Years, he has started his last 6 months of college, my car has died again, and most of all, we have hung out and enjoyed being married.

When we got married everyone made it clear that marriage is hard work. It is a drastic change of living with another person who grew up with a different family than yours. The good and the bad interact to form each day we go through together. The long days spent apart that are made that much better when you do finally see each other. The discussions (arguments) over who does what household chore, followed by a surprise dish washing and vacuuming (hallelujah!). There is an ebb and flow to each aspect of marriage.

We recently had dinner with another newlywed couple at our church and we talked about the idea that marriage is a journey of learning even more about each other. A journey of finding those habits we may not like, enjoying the moments when they say something sweet out of the blue, and learning to support them as they continue to follow their dreams.

One month has passed and as we continue to learn the ins and outs of marriage, we seek to let God direct our path. We strive to know each other as intimately as He knows us. I cannot wait for all the months that are to come.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year

It's amazing to think of all that has happened in the last year. Prepare for picture overload.

I spent 3 months in Europe, traveling and eating to my heart's content. I visited 4 countries, countless cities, and ate way more pizza and pasta than anyone should. I met some incredible new friends and cant wait to see how God continues to lead each of them.
 Paris, France


 Florence, Italy
 Burano, Italy
 Venice, Italy
 London, England
 Edinburgh, Scotland

I got engaged to my favorite person in the simplest and most perfect way.

I started a second job that continues to help me see God's work in the lives of those around me.

I graduated college after 3 and a half wonderful years at Azusa Pacific University. God immensely blessed me with a school and teachers who truly believe in letting God work through our professions.

I got married in the most beautiful (and freezing) December mountain wedding. Seeing the love and support from everyone who is a part of our lives was incredible.

And here I am, reflecting on the beauty God has shown me in 2014. I cannot wait to see all that he has in store for us in 2015!
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